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Frederic Vester
Frederic Vester

Born on November 23rd,1925.
Died on November 2nd, 2003.
Was married with Anne Vester
3 children, 6 grandchildren.

Studies of chemistry at the universities of Mainz and Paris, Ph.D. at Hamburg.
1955 -57 post doctoral fellow at the Medical School of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. 1958-66 research assistent and lecturer for biochemistry and radio-chemistry at the Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken. 1966–70 research
fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eiweiss– und Lederforschung, München.
1969 habilitation in biochemistry on cancerostatic proteins.

1970 founding of the private Studiengruppe für Biologie und Umwelt Frederic Vester GmbH (Studygroup for Biology and Environment Ltd.) whose director he was until his death. Governmental and business consultant in biocybernetical strategies in various public and private sectors. From 1982 to 1989 full professor for "Interdependence of Technical and Social Change" at the Universität der Bundeswehr, München. 1989–1991 professor for Applied Economics at the Hochschule St. Gallen, Switzerland. Honoray doctorate in economis from the same University. He was member of several scientific assicaiations and boards of governmental and private institutions as well as member of the Club of Rome.

He published 17 books, among them three beststellers (translated into 11 languages): "Denken, Lernen, Vergessen" (Thinking, Learning, Forgetting), Phänomen Stress" (Phenomenon Stress), "Neuland des Denkens" (New Frontiers of Thinking), "Unsere Welt, ein vernetztes System" (Our world, an Interconnected System), "Leitmotiv vernetztes Denken" (Leitmotif Interlinked Thinking), "Ballungsgebiete in der Krise" (Urban Systems in Crisis), "Ausfahrt Zukunft" ("Exit Future"), "Crashtest Mobitität" (Crashtest Mobility), "Die Kunst, vernetzt zu denken" (The Art of Interconnected Thinking) as well as the cybernetic computer based simulation games 'Ökolopoly®' and 'ecopolicy'®.

Vester was the author of many scientific television series and broadcastings (some of them price winning) and productor of school films (e.g. "Thinking, Learning, Forgetting"). Frederic Vester created also three successful international environmental exhibitions ("Man and Nature", "Our World, an Interconnected System", "Water is Life").

His faremost achievement was the development of the computer-based planning, management and mediation instrumentarium Sensitivity Model Prof. Vester® received the Philip Morris Research Award. The tool is now widely applied in business, governmental institutions and reasearch, since the integration of Vesters lifework in 2006 into Malik Management St.Gallen AG Switzerland as "Malik Sensitivity Model®Prof.Vester".

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